
by Nabertherm GmbH



MyNabertherm App – the powerful and free digital accessory for Nabertherm 500 Series Controllers. Use the app for convenient online progress monitoring of your Nabertherm furnaces – from your office, workshop, while underway or from wherever you wish. The app always keeps you in the picture. The functions of the Nabertherm furnace monitoring app at a glance:Convenient monitoring of multiple Nabertherm furnaces simultaneously.• Dashboard• Individual overview of a furnace• Display of active/inactive furnaces• Operating status• Current process data Display of program progress for each furnace• Overview of program progress• Display of furnace name, program name, segment information• Display of start time, program run time, remaining run time• Display of additional functions such as fresh-air fan, exhaust air flap, gassing, etc.• Detailed view of heating zones• Operating modes Push notifications in case of malfunctions• Push notification on the lock screen• Display of malfunctions with an associated description in the individual overview and in a message list Contact with Service possible• Stored furnace data facilitate rapid support for you Available in the following languages: • DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, RU, DA, NL, PL, PT, SV, CS, HU, TR, RO, NO, EE, FI, HR, LV, LT, SK, SL, CNMonitoring of Nabertherm furnaces with 500 Series Touch Panel Controller for arts & crafts, laboratory, dental, thermal process technology, advanced materials and foundry applications. Compatible with all furnaces fitted with a 500 Series Controller.• Are you interested in retrofitting a new controller to an older Nabertherm furnace? Please contact us, stating the serial number, at [email protected] RequirementsThe site must have active on-site WLAN for connecting the furnace to the Internet. The corresponding settings must be made on site if necessary. SupportIdeas, suggestions or problems? Please contact our Support department at: We look forward to receiving your feedback about our app. You can also find us here: ✔ LinkedIn:✔ Instagram:✔ YouTube: of use: Protection Statement: